Contact Lens Care

Contact Lens Care

Dec. 21, 2023


  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water and dry with a lint-free towel before putting in and removing contact lenses. 
  • Contact lenses should be put on before applying makeup and removed before washing. 
  • The container where you store your contact lenses should be cleaned every two days. 
  • The lens storage solution should be changed daily. 
  • Contact lenses must be covered entirely with the liquid in the container. 

How to put on and take off contact lenses 

  • Container lids are marked with the letters R (right) and L (left). Never mix and store lenses with the right eye on the right R (right) side and the left eye on the left L (left) side respectively.
  • It is better to put on the lenses first on the right eye, then on the left, and also remove them first from the right eye, then from the left. 
  • Before putting on a contact lens, it is necessary to check whether it is bent on the inner surface. The correct shape is the shape of a cup, and the wrong shape is the shape of a plate slightly curved outward.
  • The contact lens should be removed from the container only with the pad of the finger, without the use of a nail.

Focusing contact lenses  

  • After putting on contact lenses, briefly close your eye to allow the pupil and lens to adjust. Sometimes the lens can move. 
  • Close your eye and try to carefully adjust the position of the lens through your eyelid.
  • If the contact lens continues to cause discomfort after fitting, remove and put it on again.

How to remove a contact lens.

  • Look up, lower down your lower eyelid with your middle finger.
  • With a smooth movement of the index finger, move the contact lens down.
  • Use your thumb and forefinger to gently press the contact lens and remove it from your eye.

When should contact lenses be removed?

  • if you feel uncomfortable, 
  • if the feeling of discomfort remains even after removing contact lenses, contact your ophthalmologist immediately,
  • if you have cold or flu symptoms, 
  • for dry eyes, it is recommended to use special moisturizing drops. 

Not allowed

  • rinse contact lenses under running water,
  • swimming in the pool without special glasses,
  • wear contact lenses for longer than the specified time, even if they remain comfortable,
  • reuse one-day contact lenses multiple times,
  • wear contact lenses in the solarium,
  • leave new lenses in the old lens container with the old solution,
  • pick up a contact lens with a fingernail or other sharp object.

Eye exercises 

  • Look at the vertically extended finger of the outstretched hand, move the hand to the left and right six times draw a cross with your eyes, six times. 
  • Draw a semicircle with your eyes, six times. 
  • Look at a point at a distance of 35 cm for ten seconds, then look out the window about 50 meters and look for another ten seconds, repeat six times.
  • Look at the nearest object for five seconds, move your gaze to an object farther in the room, then look out the window for five seconds, repeat six times. 
  • When working at a computer, it is advisable to go to the window every 20 minutes and concentrate on objects located there for 5 minutes, and then return to work. This exercise is useful not only for the eyes but also for relieving tension in the musculoskeletal system.

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